With the cost-of-living crisis hitting many people hard, it’s more important than ever to keep yo

With the cost-of-living crisis hitting many people hard, it’s more important than ever to keep yo
Complaints related to subscriptions continue to escalate in 2022, with 330 cases being recorded b
UK consumer Mr P bought a remote access and remote-control computer software package for use on h
UK consumer complaints about transport have gone up by just over a fifth (20.7%), the latest UK I
UK consumer Mr T booked two tickets for an internal flight within Greece to Athens airport, payin
Consumer advice body UK International Consumer Centre (UKICC) is continuing to grow the number of
A massive increase in complaints about online travel agency activities saw an 83% rise year-on-ye
Complaints by UK consumers about clothing and footwear bought from overseas traders rose by 22% i
UK consumer Ms S bought a pair of shoes online in March 2021 for 190 Euro from a trader in Latvia
The USA tops the list of non-EU countries for traders complained about by UK consumers, according